Raw. Wild. Natural. In the vast expanse of the world’s oceans, a tiny organism forms the basis for all life. For billions of years, plant plankton has been the superfood for all marine life. The time has now come to bring this natural treasure to shore, and let it revolutionise how we eat. After all, plankton has everything we need. Packed in a tiny plant, which will make a huge difference.
Plant Plankton:
the answer to countless questions.
Bioactive ingredients, environmentally-friendly production, well-researched healthbenefits, savoury umami flavour, high bioavailability – these are just some of the many reasons why plankton should be partof our diet. Quite honestly, it has everything in its f(l)avour.

Excels in all areas:
plant plankton.
We call it a natural all-inclusive package: plankton gives you everything you need for a balanced diet, from a wide variety of plant-based nutrients and bioactive compounds to essential fatty acids and valuable vitamin B12. Plankton therefore compensates for all the potential nutritional deficiencies of a vegetarian or vegan diet. As well as being a healthy addition for meat-eaters of course.

Hale and hearty.
And not just for whales.
Bowhead whales live to about 200 years old. They spend their entire lives feeding on plankton. What may at first appear to be an unbalanced diet is in fact amazingly varied. And exceedingly healthy. After all, plant plankton contains antioxidants, amino acids, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids. All the essential nutrients you need for a long and healthy life.

Naturally strong:
plankton for fitness.
An evening jog in the park, gym session or yoga class – whichever you prefer, Plankton is the ideal training partner. It supports physical performance thanks to its broad spectrum of constituents. It also helps with rapid recovery and delays the onset of tiredness.

There are over 250,000 varieties of plant plankton. Let’s work together to find the right one to suit your needs. Whether you are looking for a protein boost for smoothies or a healthy source of umami for vegan snacks – our expertise and many years of experience will help us find exactly the right component for your individual product concept.
How we use our expertise to support your product development:
The ingredient everyone
is talking about.
Plankton is the food of the future. That’s not just our opinion, it’s a belief shared by the WHO. Let’s work together to find out what role plant plankton can play in your future product developments.

We have answers.
Peter Holtkamp